

Fashion Friday

My friend was sporting the coolest and hippest soft pants I’ve seen in a long time, Joie’s Mariner Cropped Pants.  Since I’ve seen her sporting them, I’m been obsessed with buying a pair (hoping to have some new items to look forward to wearing post-belly) to wear with some hot pointy toe pumps.

Joie Mariner

Luckily I also found a less expensive look-alike, Hive & Honey’s Margo Slouchy Pants from Piperlime (don’t forget to use your 20% promo code if you received one in the mail!).

Hive & Honey Margo

*Please note: Not sure why these websites are styling both pants with the fugliest shoes ever.  Don’t blame it on the pants, it’s not their fault.

What are your thoughts on the look?  Would you splurge or save?

Have a great weekend!



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