To finish out my “mom blog” week, I wanted to talk about Sam’s wardrobe these days. He’s in school now so we live in play clothes I get on sale at Gap and Target. Jeans are officially “fancy” clothes. And as they should be, he’s a toddler boy who’s constantly getting dirty while running around, climbing, and jumping. So here are some of my favorites things to dress him in…
We’re obsessed with these super soft shirts from T’s and Tots {they use American Apparel tees}. My husband always loves when I purchase anything Star Wars and superhero related for Samuel, while I love this Skee-Lo reference tee which is super fitting since he’s super tiny.
Samuel isn’t exactly a fan of wearing shoes, but when I can convince him to wear them, these little Converse mid-tops and these Nike 5.0 are what I put him in.
And then literally 90% of the rest of his wardrobe comes from Baby Gap where I seem to be able to always get everything 30-40% off, especially as a Gap Cardholder. Here’s what I currently have my eye on:
This baseball tee.
These distressed straight jeans. {Heads up, Baby Gap/Gap Kids bottoms run VERY big}
And this super handsome plaid shirt.
I hope you enjoyed all of the kid related posts this week! And if not, no worries…back to makeup and meaningless things next week!
Have a terrific weekend!