

Q&A with Jonathan Adler

So last week something HUGE happened, and I don’t mean I got yet another new lipstick.  No, this was monumental.  I had the honor of sitting down and speaking to the Jonathan Adler, while he was in town promoting his new Spring Collection at Neiman Marcus!  To say he was amazing, phenom, and hysterical would be an understatement.  To say that I texted Jared when I was done to inform him that I may leave him to run off with my new boyfriend would be the truth. Here’s a glimpse of our chat which will hopefully show you just why he was so insanely cool to gab with.

Jonathan Adler

LLL: Through the years you have collaborated with many top brands, such as Matel, Lacoste, and more recently Bare Minerals.  Who else would you love to be to able to team up with?

JA: I would love to do a car!

LLL: Your collections have rapidly evolved from pottery and ceramics, to home living, pet accessories, and now handbags.  Did you always have the desire to design across all of these levels?

JA: When I started out, I literally had no idea what I was doing, no master plan and everything has been a happy accident.  It never crossed my mind in a billion years that I would do all of these things. Having said that, it’s the same process designing anything, but I find it ridiculous when kids or people who are starting out have these big master plans.  Like dude, your 20s should be about no thought, mistakes, drugs, and sex.  That’s how I rolled and now look!

(You heard that advice from Uncle Jonathan, himself.)

LLL: When Barney’s originally began carrying your pieces in 1993, did you ever think you’d be where you are today?

JA: I had no plans for anything.  But I will say one thing, at the time Out Magazine wrote an article about me, and I thought, (I was so naive), “Ok this is the time I become a public person.  The private period of my life is over, I’m now a celebrity.”  Cut to, obviously I couldn’t have been more wrong, there were crickets and nobody noticed anything but it was a great life lesson; Nothing matters. Nobody cares about anything.  You should just live for your own thing and just do what you want to do.

LLL: If you had to give one home design tip to my readers, what would it be?

JA: Never settle for anything that will “just do”.  Make everything and every piece in your house should be j’amazing!

LLL: What’s your most favorite piece you’ve ever designed?

JA: Probably the big brass banana sculpture.  It just owns a coffee table.

Brass Banana

LLL: I’ve read that we have quite similar interests in that we both adore watching TV with our husbands and dog and also that you’re a fellow fan of the show GIRLS, what character’s apartment would you most love to re-design?

JA: OMG, loves it!  The nice thing about GIRLS is their apartments look just like they should and I think that’s what’s great.  I wouldn’t want to redesign anything because I think their homes are a pure reflection of who they are.

LLL: But don’t you just looove the show?!

JA: Obsessed.  The embarrassing thing is that I’m a 46 year old man and I have Shoshanna-ish tendencies, I find myself talking like Shoshanna and I’m like I’ve got to stop this!

LLL: What’s your favorite upcoming Spring trend?

JA: I’m an idiot and I don’t even know what trends are.

LLL: You’re making trends.

JA: Exactly, I’m too busy making trends, ha!  No, I don’t know what trends are and I try to live my life like that, try not to pay attention to anything and just do my own thing.

LLL: Hypothetically speaking if I were let’s say building a two-story home and was interested in purchasing your Sputnik chandelier, how many would you hang and what sizes?

JA: Well, we now do three sizes and I think a trio of all three.  My attitude is go hard or go home and I think chandeliers should be bigger than what you think.

And here’s a look at what I’m currently loving by Mr. Adler…


Giant Sputnik Chandelier / Lips Luggage Tag / Nixon Throw / Banana Bud Vase / Smartphone Holder / “M” Letter Pillow   




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  1. Lexi @ Glitter, Inc.

    This is incredible — congratulations (and such a great interview!)
    Lexi @ Glitter, Inc.

    1. Leah

      Thanks so much Lexi! You would have loved him!

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