Hello hello! I hope everyone had a happy happy holiday! So I’ve been pretty M.I.A., more so than I even realized! December has been a busy month filled with Jared traveling, Bravo TV, and Samuel’s first trip to Disney, which was absolutely amazing! But I am kicking myself for taking too long of a hiatus …
Category Archive: Uncategorized
Kate Spade & Jack Spade for GapKids
So I’m embarrassed that I’ve been blogging so infrequently, not that anyone else has probably noticed nor cares, but I do. I feel like October has been 5 seconds long, which sucks considering I love the month so much! I’ve been absolutely swamped, but with all such amazing things! I had my son’s first birthday …
July Magazine Article: Additional Beauty “Must Haves”
Check out my new magazine article for the Lifestyle Media Group South Florida magazines, while I continue to attempt to grasp the fact that June’s already over… I know how easy it is to get into a beauty routine and to not think out of the (cosmetic) box. I get it. Sure you have your …
Team Hayden
Hi everyone! Last week one of sorority sister’s husband lost his battle to cancer, leaving her and their beautiful 5 month old son, Thomas. I haven’t seen Shelly since college but have followed hers and her husband’s journey the past two years and from what I’ve read and heard, he was an incredible person, they …
Playing Catch-Up
Hi everyone! I’m sorry that I’ve been slacking on the posts, I’m definitely a crazy person lately still adjusting to being a mom (and yes, I’m fully aware that I sound like a broken record). Today was actually supposed to be my due date and yet I’m bringing Samuel to the pediatrician as he is …
Cosmetic Case of the Mondays
I hope everyone had a terrific weekend! I spent my days running errands with Jared, trying to get ourselves prepared for the baby as best as possible. Best part is my weekend is going to continue as Friday was my last day and today begins my maternity leave! Shit just got reaaaaal, eek! So since …
Humpday Helper: Liquid Liner
Wishing there was something that could make using liquid eyeliner easier? Tired of fun makeup tools being so pricey? Alas, I introduce to you the perfect gadget that is cheap and helpful! Behold the NYX Cosmetics The Curve Liner! It has a curved shape making it easy to hold as well as apply. It contains …