Do you like gabbing on your phone? How about having clear skin? Looking for a way to accomplish both? If your answers are yes, yes, and an obvi hell yes then I have the solution for you and today’s Humpday Helper! I introduce to you GoSwype microfiber cleaning cloths (insert ta-da sound!).
GoSwype cloths kill 98% of germs and bacteria to help leave you with a clearer screen and thus clearer skin. Impressive. Not fully convinced? Well your touchscreen is 18 times dirtier than a public restroom handle. Vom! I’m sure many of you are like me and wouldn’t think of touching a restroom handle without using a paper towel, let alone rub my face all over it. To help kill these vile germs, just take your GoSwype and with two fingers rub your screen in a circular motion and return back to its resealable vinyl sleeve. It leaves your screen non-streaky and will help eliminate blemishes due to the nasty dirt, oil, and grime. These wipes are inexpensive, last approximately two weeks, and hello, check out the adorbs prints and patterns they come in!
P.S. They have already been featured in Cosmo, The Today, Show, Wired, Marie Claire, Glamour, and now Live Love Lipstick, hey!
Be sure to check out GoSwype today and add them to your beauty routine!