So as I explained yesterday, I meant to blog about the highly anticipated Phillip Lim for Target collection that went on sale on Sunday last Friday, but clearly let an adorable newborn boy get in the way. Guilty. Well now that most of the collection is sold out I can only share my experience and thoughts on the line with you and possibly help your decision on whether you shell out the dough and buy some items on ebay.
If only you could have seen Jared’s face when I shared with him my plans to wake up early on Sunday morning to visit our local Target store before it opened at 8am. He thought I had completely lost my mind, but I reassured him that I wouldn’t be gone for long and would go back to bed once done. I truthfully didn’t know what to expect as I’ve never done any Black Friday shopping, but I made it a point not to share with him my fear of being the preggo getting pushed out of the way by fellow crazy shoppers. I was relieved to see that by the time I pulled up (in my pjs, sans makeup no less) to the store, I was only the second person there with just over 10 minutes until the doors opened. We were then joined by three others and all soon became friends as we made a promise to play fair and shared with each other what we had our eyes set on and vowed to help each other out. Look at that! I wasn’t going to get accosted for a bag after all, woop woop!
Once the brave Target employee opened the door for us, we made a mad dash and I was happy to be greeted by the Boom! sweater that I had on my wish list. Yes, the same sweater Jessica Alba rocked earlier in the month at the Phillip Lim for Target party in NYC. One item down, now on to the bags! I hadn’t decide previously which one(s) I wanted so I threw a couple in my cart and headed to the mirror to check out my finds. For a fraction of the cost of his regular purses, he did a fantastic job for creating the affordable line! The bags were designed beautifully and look great! Don’t get me wrong, they’re still an inexpensive version of his luxe bags, but I’ve spent the same amount of money on a bag from Forever and these are way nicer. I ended with a couple more than I thought I would but couldn’t be happier! My favorites are the Top Handle Crossbody in Black (as seen with Alba) and the Yellow Mini Satchel with Gusset.
I also picked up some accessories such as the Leopard and Boom! scarves, as well as French Terry Sweatpants and the Long Sleeve Floral Blouse. Clearly bought a bit more than I should have, but figured I’d buy it while I could and avoid regrets. I can always join the others and sell some on ebay!
Were you able to score some pieces? If so what are your faves?