Category Archive: Fashion

Fashion Friday: Birthday Edition


Don’t say I didn’t warn you… Behold, the Birthday Edition of today’s Fashion Friday. It’s so fun to online window shop, lust over pieces, and add them to a wish list. It’s like writing a letter to Santa as a kid! If I wasn’t Jewish. Alice + Olivia Misty Sheer Combo Puff Skirt / Kate Spade Kandi …

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Cosmetic Case of the Mondays


I hope everyone had a great weekend! I was able to spend time with friends and Samuel, as Jared was off in Vegas for a bachelor party. I also stocked up on some adorable items for Sam from Baby Gap during their Biggest Little Kids & Baby sale (ends today!), especially loving this graphic tee, …

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In Case You Missed It…


Hey, we’re all busy. So there are certainly things that you miss in life. I’m here to fill you in on the unnecessary items. Red Velvet Oreos hit stores yesterday, but not for long. I unfortunately was unable to find them at my local Target yesterday so I can’t report yet on how they are. …

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R.I.P. Piperlime

natalie coated pant

In case you haven’t heard the news, Piperlime will be closing by the end of February, tear. The online fashion site, owned by Gap, was launched in 2006 and despite its best efforts is unfortunately only bringing in 1% of Gap’s revenue so the company plans to close the website as well as the brick-and-mortar …

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Fashion Friday

Parker Gown - Lovey Strapless

Hello hello! I hope everyone had a happy happy holiday! So I’ve been pretty M.I.A., more so than I even realized! December has been a busy month filled with Jared traveling, Bravo TV, and Samuel’s first trip to Disney, which was absolutely amazing! But I am kicking myself for taking too long of a hiatus …

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Cyber Monday

daisy place tray

I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving and weekend!  I had a great holiday with family, whipped up some delish desserts (if I do say so myself), brought Samuel to the zoo, and spent time with friends.  Oh, and I also watched FSU beat UF, woop woop! So no fancy post here, just some of …

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Humpday Helper

just for kiix

Are you tired of spending money on heels only for them to get ruined with scuff marks and scratches on the actual heel itself?  Well there is now the perfect solution: Just for Kiix Heel Protector!  These heel protectors are easy to apply and fit any size and most types of heels.  It’s more or less …

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